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  • Writer's pictureCory Fourniquet

A New Beginning

Welcome to Garage Talk, a discussion about all things automotive. This page and subsequent podcast were created to share our deeply rooted passion for cars with others.

Who are we, you might ask. I’m glad you did.

My name is Cory Fourniquet. I’m in my thirties, a millennial father of one who has loved cars since falling in love with a Camaro parked outside our apartment when I was nine. Since then, I have obsessed over cars like your stereotypical pre-teen/teenage boy turned man-child. I have also had the opportunity to own my dream car, even if only for one year. I have spent my entire career in various components of the retail industry and felt it was a time to get started with something of which I have held many strong convictions.

Garage Talk is a shared vision with my friend of 17 years, Matt Thorson. We have attended church together off and on over those years, as he moved away and then came back, but we have always loved talking cars with one another. In that time he has been a mechanic and service writer, among other things, which make him much more savvy than me on the “how” of everything automotive.

The fun thing is, we don’t see eye to eye on many issues. We have different biases and aversions and that makes for fun conversation.

While I am much more interested in the business side of the automotive world, Matt has much more technical and mechanical resume to play as a trump card when necessary. You’ll hear me opining about why this automaker made this bold move or what this certain decision could mean for the industry as a whole, while Matt will keep us more grounded in the mechanical side of the business with stronger opinions of favorite engines and why a certain suspension set up matters in a rock crawler.

Over the next few weeks we will begin uploading our first podcast episodes while coming back here for discussion with you about your thoughts and opinions of the various topics that grind our gears. We hope you will join in the conversation with us and grow this Garage Talk into a large family with which we love to share our strong opinions about things that don’t really matter ;-)

Yours truly,


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