Those of you who follow us closely know that not only am I, Cory, a Gear Head but also an avid fan of Apple and deeply committed to the Apple ecosystem of products. I stay tuned to Apple news as closely as I follow automotive news, so when the two collide, it is of particular interest to me.
Over the last month, rumors began circulating that an Apple Car was close to reality and could be shown off in as little as a year. These rumors were very persistent throughout the automotive landscape, but those in the know for the tech world knew these were false allegations.
Perhaps the loudest voice debunking these latest claims is known Apple leaker Jon Prosser (@jon_prosser). He has stated recently that these rumors are completely unfounded and not corroborated from his inside sources.
Today, trusted Apple news blog, Mac Rumors shared a story highlighting that Apple is, in fact, 5-7 years away from producing a car.

Sorry to all who had gotten their hopes up, but it seems that we will have to wait just a bit longer for an entry from perhaps the most powerful tech company releasing their first automobile.