Matt had the opportunity to sit down with his "Bepaw," Al Richardson, professional artist, over the Thanksgiving break and discuss all things automotive.
You can find Al on Facebook here or email him at alrichardsonart@gmail.com
Matt & Cory discuss all things automotive with Bryant Blakemore, the Owner and Founder at Tejas Off Road Racing Association - TORRA, Owner and Founder at Taquache Motorsports, and all around Gear Head and lover of desert racing!
Take a listen to Part 1 of 2 of our interview with Bryant as he explains his background in vehicles and paints the picture for how he got sucked in to his love of desert racing.
While you listen, check out his social media pages, linked below.
Facebook: Bryant Blakemore; Tejas Off Road Racing Association - TORRA; Taquache Motorsports
Instagram: Taquache Motorsports
Matt & Cory discuss all things automotive with Bill Taylor, founder of Vehicle Nanny, a place for "Nurturing Your Automotive Interests."
Check out the latest on the automotive society at;
Facebook: @vehiclenanny
Instagram: @vehicle.nanny
Matt & Cory discuss all things automotive with a high school teacher turned YouTuber, Joe Raiti of Raiti's Rides! Check him out on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and just recently TikTok.
YouTube: Raiti's Rides
Facebook: @raitisrides
Instagram: @raitisrides
Matt & Cory sit down with Texas Country Music Star Cory Morrow and discuss his storied history with cars, trucks, and now planes. He shares of all the vehicles he has killed, all the vehicles he wishes he had back, and how faith is playing a huge part in his life and career.
Be sure to check out Cory on the following platforms:
Go Wheels Up
Facebook: @CoryMorrowBand
Instagram: @CoryMorrowBand
Twitter: @CoryMorrowBand
YouTube: @CoryMorrowBand
Matt & Cory sit down with off-road-legend Sue Mead. Sue has traveled the world, driven in over 70 countries, raced in the legendary Dakar Rally, and helped one of yours truly through the off-road course at the Texas Truck Rodeo.
Huge thank you to the Texas Auto Writers Association and Offcamber Designs for being the driving force bringing Sue to Garage Talk.
Be sure to check out some of Sue's work at the following publications:
Automotive Map
Bronco Nation
Tread Magazine
Matt & Cory sit down with author and owner of Motorhead Garage Productions, Mike Myers, and discuss all things automotive, including his Amazon best-seller "T is for Turbo".
Check out Mike and what he is doing by heading over to his website: Motorhead Garage Productions
You can also find Mike on
Facebook: @MHGproductions Instagram: @motorheadgarageproductions
Matt & Cory discuss all things automotive with Cory's wife, Holli. We dive into her car history and some podcasting projects she's a part of.
Check out Holli's podcasts at ETXpodcast.com
You can also find her on Instagram: @HolliFourniquet
Matt & Cory discuss all things automotive with the Event Coordinator of Corvette Invasion, the largest Corvette show in Texas and Co-Founder of Sweet Rides of Central Texas, the one and only Shawn Jones.
Check out Shawn's clubs and all that he is doing by heading over to his websites:
Corvette Invasion
Sweet Rides of Texas
You can also find Shawn on
Facebook: @CorvetteInvasion &
Instagram: @CorvetteInvasion &
Twitter: @CorvetteNvasion &
Twitter: @SweetRidesTexas
Matt & Cory discuss all things automotive with the one and only
Bogi Lateiner from All Girls Garage, which is in it's 9th season on the MotorTrend channel, and the Build Leader for Girl Gang Garage on multiple SEMA featured vehicles!
Check out Bogi and all that she is in to by heading over to her website: BogisGarage.com
You can also find her on
Facebook: @BogisGarage
Instagram: @BogisGarage
Twitter: @BogisGarage
YouTube: @BogisGarage
Matt & Cory discuss all things automotive with the owner and president of CARtoons Magazine, Marc Methot! Some new and upcoming things for the 60 year old brand as well as the nostalgia that is car comics!
Check out Marc and CARtoons by heading over to his website:
You can also find him on
Facebook: @CARtoonsMag
Instagram: @CARtoonsMagazine
Twitter: @CARtoonsMag